/* --- STC MCU International Limited -------------------------------*/
/* --- STC 1T Series MCU RC Demo -----------------------------------*/
/* --- Mobile: (86)13922805190 -------------------------------------*/
/* --- Fax: 86-755-82944243 ----------------------------------------*/
/* --- Tel: 86-755-82948412 ----------------------------------------*/
/* --- Web:
www.**.com -----------------------------------------*/
/* If you want to use the program or the program referenced in the */
/* article, please specify in which data and procedures from STC */
/************* 功能说明 **************
/************* 用户系统配置 **************/
#define MAIN_Fosc 12000000L //定义主时钟, 模拟串口和红外接收会自动适应。5~36MHZ
#define D_TIMER0 125 //选择定时器时间, us, 红外接收要求在60us~250us之间
#define User_code 0xFD02 //定义红外接收用户码
/************* 以下宏定义用户请勿修改 **************/
#include "reg51.H"
#define uchar unsigned char
#define uint unsigned int
#define freq_base (MAIN_Fosc / 1200)
#define Timer0_Reload (65536 - (D_TIMER0 * freq_base / 10000))
/************* 本地常量声明 **************/
/************* 本地变量声明 **************/
sbit P_TXD1 = P3^1; //定义模拟串口发送脚,打印信息用
sbit P_IR_RX = P0^1; //定义红外接收输入端口
bit P_IR_RX_temp; //Last sample
bit B_IR_Sync; //已收到同步标志
uchar IR_SampleCnt; //采样计数
uchar IR_BitCnt; //编码位数
uchar IR_UserH; //用户码(地址)高字节
uchar IR_UserL; //用户码(地址)低字节
uchar IR_data; //数据原码
uchar IR_DataShit; //数据反码
bit B_IrUserErr; //User code error flag
bit B_IR_Press; //Key press flag,include repeat key.
uchar IR_code; //IR code 红外键码
/************* 本地函数声明 **************/
void Tx1Send(uchar dat);
uchar HEX2ASCII(uchar dat);
void InitTimer(void);
void PrintString(unsigned char code *puts);
/************* 外部函数和变量声明 *****************/
/********************* 主函数 *************************/
void main(void)
InitTimer(); //初始化Timer
PrintString("****** STC系列MCU红外接收程序 2010-12-10 ******\r\n"); //上电后串口发送一条提示信息
if(B_IR_Press) //有IR键按下
PrintString("红外码: 0x"); //提示红外键码
Tx1Send(HEX2ASCII(IR_code >> 4)); //键码高半字节
Tx1Send(HEX2ASCII(IR_code)); //键码低半字节
if(B_IrUserErr) //用户码错误,则发送用户码
Tx1Send(' '); //发空格
Tx1Send(' '); //发空格
PrintString("用户码: 0x"); //提示用户码
Tx1Send(HEX2ASCII(IR_UserH >> 4)); //用户码高字节的高半字节
Tx1Send(HEX2ASCII(IR_UserH)); //用户码高字节的低半字节
Tx1Send(HEX2ASCII(IR_UserL >> 4)); //用户码低字节的高半字节
Tx1Send(HEX2ASCII(IR_UserL)); //用户码低字节的低半字节
Tx1Send(0x0d); //发回车
Tx1Send(0x0a); //发回车
B_IR_Press = 0; //清除IR键按下标志
/********************* 十六进制转ASCII函数 *************************/
uchar HEX2ASCII(uchar dat)
dat &= 0x0f;
if(dat <= 9) return (dat + '0'); //数字0~9
return (dat - 10 + 'A'); //字母A~F
//*********************** IR Remote Module **************************
//*********************** IR Remote Module **************************
//this programme is used for Receive IR Remote (HT6121).
//data format: Synchro,AddressH,AddressL,data,/data, (total 32 bit).
//send a frame(85ms), pause 23ms, send synchro of another frame, pause 94ms
//data rate: 108ms/Frame
//frame space = 23 ms or 96 ms
/******************** 红外采样时间宏定义, 用户不要随意修改 *******************/
#if ((D_TIMER0 <= 250) && (D_TIMER0 >= 60))
#define D_IR_sample D_TIMER0 //定义采样时间,在60us~250us之间
#define D_IR_SYNC_MAX (15000/D_IR_sample) //SYNC max time
#define D_IR_SYNC_MIN (9700 /D_IR_sample) //SYNC min time
#define D_IR_SYNC_DIVIDE (12375/D_IR_sample) //decide data 0 or 1
#define D_IR_DATA_MAX (3000 /D_IR_sample) //data max time
#define D_IR_DATA_MIN (600 /D_IR_sample) //data min time
#define D_IR_DATA_DIVIDE (1687 /D_IR_sample) //decide data 0 or 1
#define D_IR_BIT_NUMBER 32 //bit number
//**************************** IR RECEIVE MODULE ********************************************
void IR_RX_HT6121(void)
uchar SampleTime;
IR_SampleCnt++; //Sample + 1
F0 = P_IR_RX_temp; //Save Last sample status
P_IR_RX_temp = P_IR_RX; //Read current status
if(F0 && !P_IR_RX_temp) //Last sample is high,and current sample is low, so is fall edge
SampleTime = IR_SampleCnt; //get the sample time
IR_SampleCnt = 0; //Clear the sample counter
if(SampleTime > D_IR_SYNC_MAX) B_IR_Sync = 0; //large the Maxim SYNC time, then error
else if(SampleTime >= D_IR_SYNC_MIN) //SYNC
if(SampleTime >= D_IR_SYNC_DIVIDE)
B_IR_Sync = 1; //has received SYNC
IR_BitCnt = D_IR_BIT_NUMBER; //Load bit number
else if(B_IR_Sync) //has received SYNC
if(SampleTime > D_IR_DATA_MAX) B_IR_Sync=0; //data samlpe time to large
IR_DataShit >>= 1; //data shift right 1 bit
if(SampleTime >= D_IR_DATA_DIVIDE) IR_DataShit |= 0x80; //devide data 0 or 1
if(--IR_BitCnt == 0) //bit number is over?
B_IR_Sync = 0; //Clear SYNC
if(~IR_DataShit == IR_data) //判断数据正反码
if((IR_UserH == (User_code / 256)) &&
IR_UserL == (User_code % 256))
B_IrUserErr = 0; //User code is righe
else B_IrUserErr = 1; //user code is wrong
IR_code = IR_data;
B_IR_Press = 1; //数据有效
else if((IR_BitCnt & 7)== 0) //one byte receive
IR_UserL = IR_UserH; //Save the User code high byte
IR_UserH = IR_data; //Save the User code low byte
IR_data = IR_DataShit; //Save the IR data byte
/**************** Timer初始化函数 ******************************/
void InitTimer(void)
TMOD = 0; //for STC15Fxxx系列 Timer0 as 16bit reload timer.
TH0 = Timer0_Reload / 256;
TL0 = Timer0_Reload % 256;
ET0 = 1;
TR0 = 1;
EA = 1;
/********************** Timer0中断函数************************/
void timer0 (void) interrupt 1
/********************** 模拟串口相关函数************************/
void BitTime(void) //位时间函数
uint i;
i = ((MAIN_Fosc / 100) * 104) / 140000 - 1; //根据主时钟来计算位时间
void Tx1Send(uchar dat) //9600,N,8,1 发送一个字节
uchar i;
EA = 0;
P_TXD1 = 0;
for(i=0; i<8; i++)
if(dat & 1) P_TXD1 = 1;
else P_TXD1 = 0;
dat >>= 1;
P_TXD1 = 1;
EA = 1;
void PrintString(unsigned char code *puts) //发送一串字符串
for (; *puts != 0; puts++) Tx1Send(*puts); //遇到停止符0结束